Tuesday, July 5, 2011


From the time we are born, we are surrounded by rules. Don't cross the street without holding Mom's hand, no dessert till you've had your dinner, do your chores, be in bed by nine. As we grow up the rules are lesser and lesser, but, still, we are always governed by some sort of rules. So why do we voluntarily add more restrictions to our lives? Why do we unnecessarily add so many rules that really aren't important after all?

Don't talk to that guy because he talked to that one girl for an hour and a half last Sunday and they sorta have something goin' on.

You can't be friends with her. I don't like her, therefore, you don't like her, and y'all can't be friends.

You can't buy that shirt. I saw this girl two weeks ago at some gas station in Auburn, and you wouldn't want to match her.

He cheated on you. He deserves to die, and you can't in any circumstances be friends with that guy. 

And the list goes on...

You shouldn't do this, and you shouldn't do that, and that's not cool, and sorority girls don't do that, and that's so embarrassing, and you look ridiculous. 


Do what makes you happy.

For years we've waited for the freedom to be away from our parents and make our own decisions. Why now, when we are finally on our own, do we remain so uptight? We create so many unnecessary restrictions, so much pointless drama in our lives for absolutely no reason. So I say it's time to let go of these rules. I say it's time to start living, start loving, start taking chances. We miss out on so many exciting opportunities, so many new relationships, so many new memories when we abide by rules that aren't even rules at all. So let's start bending them, maybe even breaking them, let's live a little. Do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, be who YOU wanna be.

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