Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Your Life

"It isn’t the mountains to climb that wear you out, it’s the pebble in your shoe."
 -Muhammad Ali

I know, I know...it has been months since I've blogged. Call it a bad case of writer's block, call it a bad case of laziness, or call it a bad case of the blues, but blogging has been the last thing on my mind. 

Over the last two months, I've slowly begun to realize that some people simply aren't meant to be in your life, no matter how bad you want them there. No matter how strongly you cling to something (or someone), it won't change the fact that they aren't just meant to be there. Maybe this person is the problem causing your sadness or your anger. In reference to the quote I posted at the beginning of this post, maybe this person is the pebble in your shoe.

So if you've isolated the problem, and you know what it is that is causing so much heartbreak. Why do we continue to hang on? Why can't we just let go. It's taken me months to realize just how stubborn I am, and months to realize that it's time to let go and move on. There comes a time when we have to come to the realization that something just isn't right. There comes a time when you have to realize that YOU are the most important person in your life and YOU choose whether or not you'll be happy or miserable.

Why would you keep someone around who hurt you? Why would you want to keep someone around who quite frankly did not care enough to make sure you were in their life? Why would you want to waste all of your feelings and effort on someone who viewed you and your relationship with them as disposable? 

Why would you continue to walk with a pebble in your shoe?

Once you remove the problem, the distraction, the hurt, you free yourself to move on and you open up your life to something so much better. You open up your life to new opportunities, new people, new relationships, and you open up your life to the people who matter. You say good-bye to those who hurt you, to those who don't feel that you're worth it, and you finally allow yourself to focus on those that who truly love you and care about you and prove it every day.

YOU are beautiful. YOU have a bright future. YOU are blessed. YOU have almighty God on your side, and with Him all things are possible. And YOU have the decision every day to be miserable or to be happy. It's all up to YOU!